Category Archives: Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones: Addressing Critical Issues and Enhancing Gameplay Experience

As dedicated players of Skull and Bones, my wife and I find ourselves deeply immersed in the game’s core mechanics and captivating world. The allure of sailing, breathtaking views, and engaging combat mechanics keep us coming back for more every day. However, amidst our enjoyment, we cannot overlook the plethora of bugs and issues plaguing our experience. While we acknowledge that the development team is likely working diligently to address these issues, we feel compelled to highlight some of the most pressing concerns.

Here are just a few of the bugs and issues we’ve encountered in recent days:

  • Empire Helm Production: Upgrades not being utilized.
  • Roving Supply Missions: Disappearing, necessitating relogging.
  • Warehouse to Cargo Transfers: Skull and Bones Items vanishing unexpectedly.
  • Helm Wagers: Inoperable with 5 treasure maps.
  • Overload Glitch: Occurring even when not overloaded.
  • Contract Items: Blocking slots and unable to be deleted.
  • Frequent Crashes: Disrupting gameplay flow.
  • Xbox Hard Locks: Unprecedented freezes necessitating console restarts.

Additionally, several aspects of gameplay prove to be cumbersome or unsatisfactory:

  • Stamina Drain: Excessive drain detracts from the enjoyment of sailing.
  • Wind Effects: Wind’s impact on sailing could be toned down for a smoother experience.
  • Warehouse Selling Mechanism: Currently cumbersome and inefficient.
  • Gear Breakdown Mechanism: Lack of ability to sell or break down excess gear.
  • Ship Level System: Should be tied to captain progression rather than gear ilvl.
  • PvP Exploits: Issues with PvP balance and exploitability.
  • Event Rewards: Lackluster rewards compared to rogue loot.
  • Point of Emphasis (PoE): Lack of clarity on end-of-season implications.
  • Upgrade System: Potential upgrade table left unutilized.
  • Leaderboards: Perceived lack of relevance and impact.
  • Kingpin Progression: Currently lacking meaningful rewards or incentives.
  • End Game Content: Current lack of substantial end-game activities.

While we understand that game development is a complex process, we urge the developers to prioritize addressing these critical issues to enhance the overall player experience. Clear communication regarding ongoing efforts and future updates would also be greatly appreciated. As devoted players, we remain hopeful for improvements that will elevate Skull and Bones to its fullest potential.

Mastering Skull and Bones: A Guide to Farming Pieces of Eight

Skull and Bones, Ubisoft’s upcoming action-adventure game, promises a thrilling journey through the treacherous seas filled with pirates, loot, and daring adventures. One of the key aspects of the game is the acquisition of its endgame currency, the Pieces of Eight. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of farming this coveted currency, essential for acquiring powerful weapons, unlocking top-tier armor, and obtaining valuable cosmetics and blueprints.

Unlocking the Smuggler’s Den:

To embark on your journey to accumulate Pieces of Eight, you must first delve into the heart of piracy by unlocking the Smuggler’s Den. This den serves as your hub for engaging in repeatable and daily missions, which form the backbone of your currency farming efforts. Upon progressing through the main story quests for approximately 2 to 3 hours, or slightly longer if you prefer a more leisurely pace, you will gain access to this den, marking the beginning of your lucrative endeavors.

Navigating the Currency System:

The Pieces of Eight, resembling golden octopus coins, are the lifeblood of Skull and Bones’ economy. These coins serve as the primary medium for transactions in the game, allowing players to purchase in-game weapons, unlock elite armor, and obtain coveted cosmetic items. Additionally, as you progress further, you’ll unlock another tier of currency, which further enriches the gameplay experience. However, for this guide, our focus remains squarely on mastering the acquisition of Pieces of Eight.

Solo Farming Methods:

While cooperative play enhances the overall experience, solo players need not fret. There are efficient methods tailored specifically for lone wolves to amass Pieces of Eight at a steady pace. By diligently undertaking repeatable and daily missions offered at the Smuggler’s Den, solo players can accumulate this currency effectively. The key lies in optimizing your gameplay, refining materials, and engaging in profitable ventures.

Optimizing Your Efforts:

Efficiency is paramount in currency farming endeavors. Prioritize upgrading essential elements such as the Smuggler’s Den and Supply Network to bolster your capabilities. By investing in upgrades, you enhance your efficiency, ultimately maximizing your earnings. Additionally, seize lucrative opportunities presented by the Order Registry, fulfilling orders to reap substantial rewards. Remember, strategic planning and prudent decision-making are the cornerstones of success in Skull and Bones.

Navigating the High Seas:

As you sail the vast seas in pursuit of wealth and glory, remain vigilant against various threats lurking in the waters. From rival pirates to formidable fleets, danger abounds at every turn. Embrace combat encounters as opportunities to bolster your coffers, as defeated adversaries often yield valuable loot. Whether solo or in a group, mastering naval combat is essential for thriving in the perilous world of Skull and Bones.


In conclusion, mastering the art of farming Pieces of Eight is integral to your success in Skull and Bones. By leveraging the Smuggler’s Den, optimizing your efforts, and navigating the high seas with skill and finesse, you can amass wealth beyond your wildest dreams. As you embark on your pirate odyssey, remember that fortune favors the bold. So hoist the sails, ready your cannons, and set course for adventure as you carve your legacy upon the seas of Skull and Bones. Fair winds and following seas await, eager to reward those bold enough to seize them.