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The Elder Scrolls Online: Arcanist Class Updates and More

Welcome back, adventurers! In the ever-evolving landscape of The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), players eagerly await each Public Test Server (PTS) cycle for the latest updates and improvements. In Week 4 of the PTS, the focus has shifted to addressing concerns and feedback surrounding the Arcanist class. This article delves into the significant changes made to the Arcanist class, examining the adjustments to skills, passives, and overall gameplay experience.

Addressing Arcanist Class Feedback:

With the content creator expressing anticipation for class updates, particularly for the Arcanist. The Arcanist class has been under scrutiny for its perceived challenges, especially for newer players. Concerns include limited self-healing, frustrations with the primary DPS ability (Fate Carver beam), and interruptions during skill usage.

The Patch Notes:

The content creator proceeds to highlight the specific changes introduced in the Week 4 PTS patch. These changes address various aspects of the Arcanist class, ranging from skill tooltips to significant adjustments in the DPS skill line, tank skill line, and healing skill line.

General Fixes:
    Tooltips for several Arcanist abilities with dynamic cost scaling now specify whether they scale off the highest or lowest Max resource, providing clarity for players.

DPS Skill Line Updates:
    Herald of the Tome: Abyssal Impact (tentacle skill) and Cephalearx Flail now heal characters upon casting, addressing the need for more self-healing options.
    Tentacular Dread: Increased base damage by 20 per Crux cast, offering an alternative DPS option with additional burst damage.

Fate Carver (Primary DPS Ability) Changes:
    Base ability cost was reduced significantly.
    Pragmatic Fate Carver morph now grants a damage shield while channeling, providing interrupt immunity, and addressing frustrations with skill interruptions.

Psychic Lesion Passive:
    Updated to grant increased status effect chance, enhancing the Arcanist's knowledge of the elements.

Imperfect Ring Ability:
    Cost is now based on the lowest Max resource, improving sustain and resource management.

Blinking Eye (Ultimate):
    Reduced ultimate cost and adjusted summoning location to improve combat visibility.

Tank Skill Line (Apocrypha) Updates:
    Various adjustments to passives, ultimate (Gibbering Shelter), and Runic Jolt (class-based taunt).

Healing Skill Line (Curative Rune):
    Fixes and adjustments to abilities like Pocketful Gate and Chakram Shields, providing more viable healing options.

Companion Changes:

The content creator also touches on changes to companions, particularly addressing feedback about Sharp as Knight’s effectiveness as a tank. The sleep mail ability now offers a significant damage reduction, making Sharp as Knight a more viable tank option.

Conclusion and Community Engagement:

The content creator expresses enthusiasm for the changes, highlighting the responsiveness of the developers to player feedback. The article concludes by encouraging community engagement, inviting readers to share their thoughts on the changes, and looking forward to the positive impact on Arcanist gameplay.

Closing Remarks:

As the ESO community eagerly awaits the official implementation of these changes, the Week 4 PTS patch promises a more refined and enjoyable experience for Arcanist players. The developers’ commitment to addressing player feedback reflects a dynamic and player-centric approach to game development, ensuring that ESO remains an engaging and evolving MMORPG experience.

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