Throne and Liberty: A Guide to Skills, Weapons, and Environmental Impact

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to another thrilling episode on our gameplay channel, where we delve into the intricacies of Throne and Liberty. In this video, we focus on the dynamic relationship between skills, weapon combinations, and the ever-changing environment, all of which play a crucial role in shaping your combat experience. If you’re a fan of Throne and Liberty or seeking valuable insights to enhance your gaming journey, Be sure to subscribe to MMOexp for regular updates and informative content. Use discount code “exp32p” to save 5% on Throne and Liberty Lucent.

Weapon Combinations and Skill Management

As you dive into the vast world of Throne and Liberty, it’s essential to understand the mechanics of wielding two weapons simultaneously. Each character can freely combine weapons, opening up a plethora of strategic possibilities. In the showcased example, a player wields a formidable longbow and a versatile magic wand.

Navigating to the skills panel, we observe distinct sets of active skills associated with each weapon. The top section features skills for the longbow, while the bottom showcases skills for the magic wand. Active skills are placed on the left side, and passive skills, which activate when placed on the quick access panel, are on the right. Skill selection is user-friendly: drag skills into the panel to equip them and double-click to remove them. With the capacity to utilize up to 12 active skills and eight passive ones, players can tailor their abilities for diverse encounters with monsters in various environments.

Understanding the nuances of primary attacks is vital; they are determined by the currently held weapon. When using a skill from another weapon, the game automatically switches to that weapon, reverting to the initial weapon after skill usage. This system allows for dynamic combat, encouraging players to strategize and adapt based on their arsenal.

Strategic Skill Deployment

The video highlights a tactical approach to combat, showcasing a player using magic wand skills to keep opponents at bay. By employing skills that induce sleep, the player creates distance and then unleashes powerful longbow skills for devastating long-range attacks. Notably, attacking a sleeping opponent triggers a Critical Strike, and applying the continuous bombing skill during the opponent’s slumber results in multiple Critical Hits.

Passive skills, such as Depraved Fullness, provide bonuses in battles against multiple opponents by offering damage boosts and mana regeneration after defeating enemies. Each weapon also boasts an ultimate skill, allowing players to make a strategic choice based on their preferred playstyle.

Environment Impact on Combat

Throne and Liberty introduces a dynamic environmental factor that significantly influences combat effectiveness. To the left of the mini-map, players can monitor the time of day, weather conditions, and their impact on the battlefield. The video emphasizes the importance of wind direction, as aligning it with your attacks increases the chances of firing additional projectiles, thus dealing more damage.

Environmental conditions, such as nightfall, affect specific skills, like AER skills, which increase poison duration and damage during the night. Players may also encounter dungeons accessible only at specific times or under certain weather conditions. Interestingly, weather conditions do not affect skills when inside dungeons.

Time of day and weather conditions also impact NPC behavior. Frostbite goblins, for instance, only appear at night, while certain NPCs sleep during nighttime, altering their engagement with players. Additionally, some plant-based monsters reduce damage received when it rains.

Players have the power to manipulate the environment using transcendental skills, enabling them to change the wind direction, cool the air, bring rain, or alter the time of day. However, these skills come with extended cooldown periods, emphasizing the importance of strategic usage.


In the article exploration, we’ve uncovered the intricate interplay between weapon combinations, skill management, and the influence of the environment in Throne and Liberty. With no fixed formula for success, players are encouraged to experiment, adapt, and develop strategies based on their understanding of opponents, the environment, and their skill in combining abilities.

For more in-depth information on various weapon types and their associated skills, the official Throne and Liberty site provides comprehensive guides. Remember to subscribe for more exciting content, as your support motivates us to continue creating valuable resources for the Throne and Liberty community. I wish you good health and the best of luck on your epic adventures!