Strategies for Clerics Against Zweihander Barbarians in Dark and Darker

In the perilous world of Dark and Darker, mastering the art of survival is a continuous challenge, especially when faced with formidable adversaries like Zweihander barbarians. For clerics, encountering these juggernauts can be particularly daunting, as the inherent disadvantages demand strategic finesse and a keen understanding of the class dynamics. Here, we delve into effective ways to counter Zweihander barbarians and enhance your chances of emerging victorious as a cleric.

  1. Understanding the Disadvantages:
    Clerics find themselves at a distinct disadvantage against barbarians due to their limited strengths in ranged attacks and kiting—the very skills that can prove effective against these formidable opponents. With moderate Physical Damage Reduction (PDR) and less potent magic damage, clerics need to explore alternative strategies to overcome the Zweihander threat.
  2. Mastering Shield Usage:
    One crucial aspect to focus on is mastering the use of your shield. As a cleric, you can block almost all of the barbarian’s attacks, provided your timing and positioning are impeccable. Engage in practice sessions with a friend wielding a grey zwei, allowing you to refine your blocking techniques. Familiarize yourself with the different attack patterns, honing your ability to nullify their strikes and increase your survivability.
  3. Utilizing the Storm Advantage:
    Leverage the storm to your advantage during encounters with Zweihander barbarians. The open spaces of the new maps make it challenging for clerics, but maneuvering strategically in the storm can help you gain the upper hand. Make them chase you into the storm, where you can survive indefinitely, providing an opportunity to wear them down while ensuring you can efficiently heal yourself.
  4. Capitalizing on Smite and Buffs:
    If your cleric build includes smite and buffs, strategically time your engagements to coincide with the activation of these abilities. Smite can be particularly effective during trades, allowing you to capitalize on increased damage output. Plan your attacks meticulously, ensuring that you exploit your buffs to their fullest potential.
  5. Exploring Alternative Builds:
    Consider adopting alternative builds that focus on speed, magical damage, and knowledge. By maximizing movement speed, stacking magical damage, and enhancing your knowledge, you can shift your playstyle to one that relies on judgment and holy strike for dealing damage. This approach allows you to compensate for the inherent limitations of a traditional tanky cleric build.
  6. Recognizing the Value of PDR:
    Acknowledge the importance of PDR in your survivability. Each point of PDR becomes increasingly valuable, with higher levels significantly enhancing your effective health. While clerics may not reach the extreme PDR levels of fighters, investing in this stat strategically can provide a considerable boost to your overall resilience.
  7. Adapting to the New Map Challenges:
    The introduction of new maps poses additional challenges for solo clerics. The more open spaces expose you to potential attacks and kiting, making adaptation essential. Be mindful of your surroundings, identify potential escape routes, and adapt your playstyle to navigate the unique challenges posed by the map design.

In conclusion, facing Zweihander barbarians as a cleric requires a multifaceted approach that combines shield mastery, storm manipulation, strategic use of abilities, and, in some cases, a shift in your traditional build. By honing these skills and embracing adaptability, you can elevate your chances of countering the formidable foes that cross your path in the unforgiving realm of Dark and Darker, win more Dark and Darker Gold rewards.

EA FC 24: Frustrations Mount as Pack Luck Dwindles on Promo Day

As the latest promotional event takes the FIFA gaming community by storm, a prevailing sentiment of frustration emerges, accusing EA of deliberately reducing drop rates or pack weight on the first day of the promotion. The discontent is palpable, with a player sharing their disappointing experience of opening 30 packs, including various high-tier options such as 83+ ×10, 83+ ×20, 81+ ×11, and numerous rare player packs. Despite the extensive pack opening effort, the yield consists of only two Team of the Week (TOTW) players, sparking widespread frustration and raising questions about the fairness of pack rewards.

The player’s dismay is not an isolated incident, as reports flood in of others opening 50, 60, or even 70 packs and encountering similar outcomes—virtually nothing of substantial value. The core issue, as expressed by the community, revolves around the perceived diminishing returns on pack investments, leaving players feeling unrewarded and disheartened.

The frustration takes a personal turn as the player highlights their status as an average player who refrains from engaging in lengthy Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) for iconic players like Eusebio, Zidane, or Mbappe. The absence of a significant trading regimen, coupled with a budget hovering around 50k, limits the player’s options for acquiring high-value players. This sets the stage for a direct appeal to EA regarding the perceived disparity in the chances of obtaining a high-rated, top-tier player.

The central question posed to EA is a poignant one: What are the players’ chances of obtaining a “Walkout” (WW) player given the current circumstances? The player asserts an understanding of various challenges within the game but expresses vehement frustration at the prospect of not securing any promo players. The sentiment echoes a broader concern that the pack weight, or the probability of receiving valuable items, is eroding the overall gaming experience.

The player laments the perceived overconfidence displayed by EA in inundating players with packs, a gesture that loses its significance when the contents consistently comprise low-rated fodder items. The frustration builds on the realization that, despite the accessibility of 83×10 packs early in the game cycle, the chances of acquiring impactful players seem almost nonexistent. The sentiment alludes to the changing dynamics of pack distribution, with rewards that were once a rarity becoming more accessible yet lacking the anticipated excitement.

Anticipation for the Team of the Year (TOTY) event is tinged with skepticism, as players voice concerns about the viability of the upcoming promotion. If the current trend persists, making it difficult to secure even promo fodder cards amidst an abundance of available options, the appeal of TOTY may wane considerably. The sentiment is encapsulated in the notion that the lack of success in packing valuable promo cards diminishes the overall excitement and engagement with these high-profile events.

In conclusion, the community’s frustration with pack rewards during the early stages of the promo reveals a deeper concern about the evolving dynamics of pack weight in FIFA. The perception of diminished returns on substantial pack investments raises questions about the fairness and excitement surrounding these promotional events. As players grapple with the challenge of securing valuable content, the overarching sentiment becomes a plea for more balanced and rewarding pack distribution to rekindle the excitement of opening packs in the FIFA gaming experience.

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Throne and Liberty: A Guide to Skills, Weapons, and Environmental Impact

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to another thrilling episode on our gameplay channel, where we delve into the intricacies of Throne and Liberty. In this video, we focus on the dynamic relationship between skills, weapon combinations, and the ever-changing environment, all of which play a crucial role in shaping your combat experience. If you’re a fan of Throne and Liberty or seeking valuable insights to enhance your gaming journey, Be sure to subscribe to MMOexp for regular updates and informative content. Use discount code “exp32p” to save 5% on Throne and Liberty Lucent.

Weapon Combinations and Skill Management

As you dive into the vast world of Throne and Liberty, it’s essential to understand the mechanics of wielding two weapons simultaneously. Each character can freely combine weapons, opening up a plethora of strategic possibilities. In the showcased example, a player wields a formidable longbow and a versatile magic wand.

Navigating to the skills panel, we observe distinct sets of active skills associated with each weapon. The top section features skills for the longbow, while the bottom showcases skills for the magic wand. Active skills are placed on the left side, and passive skills, which activate when placed on the quick access panel, are on the right. Skill selection is user-friendly: drag skills into the panel to equip them and double-click to remove them. With the capacity to utilize up to 12 active skills and eight passive ones, players can tailor their abilities for diverse encounters with monsters in various environments.

Understanding the nuances of primary attacks is vital; they are determined by the currently held weapon. When using a skill from another weapon, the game automatically switches to that weapon, reverting to the initial weapon after skill usage. This system allows for dynamic combat, encouraging players to strategize and adapt based on their arsenal.

Strategic Skill Deployment

The video highlights a tactical approach to combat, showcasing a player using magic wand skills to keep opponents at bay. By employing skills that induce sleep, the player creates distance and then unleashes powerful longbow skills for devastating long-range attacks. Notably, attacking a sleeping opponent triggers a Critical Strike, and applying the continuous bombing skill during the opponent’s slumber results in multiple Critical Hits.

Passive skills, such as Depraved Fullness, provide bonuses in battles against multiple opponents by offering damage boosts and mana regeneration after defeating enemies. Each weapon also boasts an ultimate skill, allowing players to make a strategic choice based on their preferred playstyle.

Environment Impact on Combat

Throne and Liberty introduces a dynamic environmental factor that significantly influences combat effectiveness. To the left of the mini-map, players can monitor the time of day, weather conditions, and their impact on the battlefield. The video emphasizes the importance of wind direction, as aligning it with your attacks increases the chances of firing additional projectiles, thus dealing more damage.

Environmental conditions, such as nightfall, affect specific skills, like AER skills, which increase poison duration and damage during the night. Players may also encounter dungeons accessible only at specific times or under certain weather conditions. Interestingly, weather conditions do not affect skills when inside dungeons.

Time of day and weather conditions also impact NPC behavior. Frostbite goblins, for instance, only appear at night, while certain NPCs sleep during nighttime, altering their engagement with players. Additionally, some plant-based monsters reduce damage received when it rains.

Players have the power to manipulate the environment using transcendental skills, enabling them to change the wind direction, cool the air, bring rain, or alter the time of day. However, these skills come with extended cooldown periods, emphasizing the importance of strategic usage.


In the article exploration, we’ve uncovered the intricate interplay between weapon combinations, skill management, and the influence of the environment in Throne and Liberty. With no fixed formula for success, players are encouraged to experiment, adapt, and develop strategies based on their understanding of opponents, the environment, and their skill in combining abilities.

For more in-depth information on various weapon types and their associated skills, the official Throne and Liberty site provides comprehensive guides. Remember to subscribe for more exciting content, as your support motivates us to continue creating valuable resources for the Throne and Liberty community. I wish you good health and the best of luck on your epic adventures!

Proposals for Enhancing Balance Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

In the evolving landscape of WoW Classic Season of Discovery, the Balance Druids find themselves on the precipice of greatness. The recent Starsurge change has undoubtedly brought a breath of fresh air to the playstyle, yet there remains a single tweak that could complete the delicate equilibrium of the balance druid kit.

Current Runes and the Role of Fury of Stormrage
Presently, the balance druid relies on two primary balance runes and the supportive rune, Fury of Stormrage, to address mana concerns. While Fury of Stormrage admirably addresses these issues, a minor adjustment could elevate its utility within the balance rotation.

Suggested Change
Wrath now has a 12% chance to make your next Healing Touch or Starfire instant cast.

This seemingly minor alteration has the potential to transform the balance druid into a competitive DPS contender, aligning seamlessly with the fluidity of the druid playstyle.

Consideration for Timing
Some advocates for balance druids suggest exercising patience and delaying potential changes until reaching crucial milestones such as levels 40, 50, and 60. At these junctures, the introduction of Moonfury and Vengeance brings substantial boosts to the balance druid’s capabilities.

This cautious approach recommends evaluating the performance of balance druids at level 40 and beyond before implementing alterations. Should imbalances persist or intensify, then consideration for implementing changes, such as the proposed instant cast chance for Wrath, becomes a viable option.

PvP Dynamics and Balance Runes
Examining the current balance runes, there is anticipation that PvP scenarios, in particular, will witness the formidable prowess of balance druids. Harkening back to WoW Classic, the 30/0/21 build demonstrated substantial strength across Phases 1-4. With the existing balance runes, this period is expected to feel notably potent for balance druids, redefining their impact in player-versus-player engagements.

Assessing Scaling Talents
However, a critical examination reveals nuances in the scaling potential of balance druid talents. While Vengeance stands out as a potent scaling talent, Moonfury falls short. Offering a flat 10% buff to ability base damage after spellpower, Moonfury lacks the scalability required for endgame viability. In vanilla WoW, it was not uncommon to witness balance druids either skipping Moonfury or investing only partial points into it.

Challenges in Scaling
In contrast to other caster classes such as mages, warlocks, or priests, balance druids face challenges in terms of scaling. With talents like Improved Wrath, Improved Starfire, Nature’s Grace (which synergizes less effectively with Wrath), and Vengeance, balance druids have solid options. However, when juxtaposed against the scaling potential of other caster classes, balance druids lag behind.

The common misconception that mana issues solely held back balance druids from achieving greatness is debunked by the acknowledgment that damage output also presented a considerable challenge. While Starsurge and Sunfire provide a welcome boost, they may not be sufficient to address the fundamental issue that balance talents contribute limited damage overall.

As balance druids navigate the intricate balance of their celestial powers in WoW Classic Season of Discovery( provide the cheapest and safest WoW Classic SoD Gold now), the proposed adjustment to Fury of Stormrage holds promise in refining their role. The delicate equilibrium of changes, if implemented judiciously, has the potential to usher balance druids into a realm of competitive DPS, solidifying their unique place within the dynamic world of Azeroth.

Objective Comprehensive Analysis of Force Blader

Firstly, I want everyone to understand one thing: in Cabal, the Force Blader is not the traditional tank or high-defense, low-attack class as commonly misunderstood in other games. This misconception arises from players accustomed to other gaming norms. The Force Blader does not wield a low-attack single sword in the offhand; instead, they carry a unique shield called the Magic Star, which is, in fact, the weapon of the Archer. The Force Blader has a skill that transforms the Magic Star into a shield, retaining its attack attributes while adding defense. Whether it increases evasion or not is not detailed here, and I ask for your understanding on this matter. So, let me clarify that the Force Blader wields two weapons, and the attacks of these two weapons can stack. When enhancing the weapons, the Force Blader sees simultaneous increases in attack for both. This may seem similar to other classes, making it difficult to discern the actual attack power of the Force Blader. However, let me tell you that the Force Blader has a skill that boosts critical and fatal attack power by 18% and 36%, respectively. This skill significantly enhances the combat capabilities of the Force Blader. Don’t underestimate the 18% critical boost because, in the later stages of the game, with the right investments, achieving a high critical rate is entirely possible. When the Force Blader’s skills are activated, the attack speed becomes exceptionally fast, further enhancing their overall damage output.

As the Force Blader progresses, their attack power increases, and, in some cases, they can stand undefeated against similarly equipped Force Bladers. This is an undisputed fact. However, I must admit that the Force Blader cannot compete with the Force Archer in terms of attack power. Yet, keep in mind that the Force Blader boasts the highest physical attack, and when combined with the shield and attribute points, the defense is not just marginally higher, contrary to what some may believe. Additionally, with the support of fatal items, the Force Blader’s attack power becomes remarkably close to that of the Force Archer. Therefore, it’s a trade-off – the Force Blader can achieve limited balance when dueling a Force Archer. However, I want to emphasize that this is just a comparison, and it is not advisable for Force Bladers to engage in head-on combat with Force Archers, as the latter has more skills for knockdowns, which might lead to defeat.

Secondly, always remember that the Force Blader not only possesses the highest physical attack after the Force Archer but also has respectable magical attack capabilities. This becomes a significant advantage for the Force Blader in the later stages and after dual-classing. Many players refer to the Force Blader as a “Magic Warrior,” drawing similarities with the Force Archer. Therefore, do not consider the Force Blader as a mere tank or frontline cannon fodder. If you can cleverly combine magic and physical attacks, the Force Blader can be very powerful in PvP. Like the Force Archer, the Force Blader is a versatile class.

Now, let’s briefly discuss PvP, avoiding detailed discussions to prevent dissatisfaction from players of other classes.

PvP can be broadly categorized into group PvP (GvG) and solo PvP (1v1). It’s essential to bring this up as each class may adopt different combat strategies in these two scenarios.

For Force Bladers in group PvP, they function as a mobile fortress. Relying on high defense and HP, they can endure attacks effectively. The key is to use powerful AoE (Area of Effect) skills centered around the Force Blader to suppress enemies and create opportunities for other classes. Thus, in group PvP, the Force Blader plays a crucial role not just as a seemingly invincible tank but as a high-output combat unit.

For solo PvP, there are different approaches based on the opponent’s class. When facing melee opponents, it’s crucial not to recklessly charge forward for a direct confrontation, as even with high defense, consecutive hits from the opponent can be lethal. Instead, the Force Blader should initiate with magic attacks, utilizing the Magic Star. Detailed strategies for this interaction are not provided to avoid controversy. When confronting ranged opponents, the Force Blader can leverage their higher HP and defense to endure attacks while counterattacking. It’s suggested to prioritize endurance over chasing opponents, as the Force Blader’s resilience can lead to a higher probability of victory.

Against hybrid opponents (combining both ranged and melee attacks), the general guideline is to adapt to the opponent’s style. If they engage in ranged attacks, respond with ranged attacks, and similarly for melee. The outcome depends on levels, equipment, skill proficiency, and the Force Blader’s lethal blows.

In conclusion, never forget that the Force Blader possesses the second-highest physical attack, high critical rate, high defense, and both melee and ranged attacks. It is not the simplistic, tank-only class that some uninformed individuals describe. Only those who have truly delved into the intricacies, put in effort to practice and research can rightfully evaluate this class. The Force Blader is genuinely powerful!

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